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Tree Farmer Alert  
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Over 800 readers and growing!

Podcast on Wildfires In the West

contributed by
Steve Goodroad
Tree Farmer


This was interesting. My daughter works at CU so she keeps me updated on what the engineering sciences are doing. 


Controlled Fires Could Actually Save Forests and Fight Climate Change

contributed by
Daniel Bowker
CPRW Forest and Fire Project Manager


Forestry managers face what seems like an unavoidable tradeoff. Controlled burns in Western forests reduce the risk of wildfire but release carbon dioxide, contributing to climate change. But a team of ecologists recently showed that controlled burns can actually benefit the climate in the long term.





The secret to becoming the equivalent of a human dichotomous key for conifer identification isn’t much of a secret. Like almost everything else in life, learning the difference between pine, spruce, and fir requires an investment of time and energy.

Luckily, this is one of the fastest lessons you can learn, and it pays back in surplus



First-of-its-kind study documents impacts of beetle-kill on Colorado forest wildlife

contributed by
Steve Goodroad
Tree farmer


Colorado researchers have published the first comprehensive study on the effects the bark beetles’ devastating march through the state’s forests have had on woodland wildlife, and the results are mixed.



To Control Forest Fires, Western States Light More of Their Own

contributed by
Daniel Bowker
CPRW Forest and Fire Project Manager






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